On January 5th of
this year last year I wrote a blog post on my plans/goals as I moved into new directions with my life for 2012… one of which was to complete a 365 project. I’m happy (and also kinda proud) to say I DID IT! Actually, due to leap year, it was 366 days… and I believe I only missed 5 or 6 days of photos early on due to illness. (On those days I uploaded a smiley face to show my heart was in it but my body was not compiling.) Though there were some days where I realized the day was almost over and I was frantically searching for something interesting to take a photo of I was actually surprised at how easy the project was for me. It gave me a greater awareness of things around me and most definitely increased my desire to learn to take “better” photos.
For those who followed my project you are most likely aware that I put these stipulations on myself:
1. Photos would ONLY be taken with my iPhone 4 on the exact day. (No taking them one day and saving them to upload on a later date.)
2. Any alterations or effects were done using apps on my iPhone.
3. Photos were sent/uploaded to my Flickr account, Facebook and Twitter account from my iPhone
I wasn’t interested in quality really… I mean its an iPhone not a Nikon… I just wanted to visually document my year and I wanted it to be fun. And it was. At the end of each month I created a collage of all the photos from that month using the website www.bighugelabs.com. That site lets you copy in your Flickr account info and it creates a collage automatically. Way cool. I then posted those collages as blog posts on this site which you can scroll through if desired on the link. Or if you want to see the full size photos directly on my Flickr account you can click here or on the image below and view each monthly set.
So thanks for joining me on this journey. And here’s to a new year of fun, knowledge and excitement that we create for ourselves!